Figures you would go by the "rap lyricists dictionary" buffoon
One entry found.
Main Entry: buf·foon
Pronunciation: \(?)b?-?fün\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French bouffon, from Old Italian buffone
Date: 1585
1 : a ludicrous figure : clown
2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person
— buf·foon·ish \-?fü-nish\ adjective Now.. what about that T-Shirt
That's so clever, Roytje. Gosh, I hope people don't start thinking it really is me. Man, I'm just not sure what to do now. You really got me good on that one. I've really learned my lesson now oh boy.
Some stupid Romper room Bozo the Clown crap Dave thought was clever. He says it stands for Find All Your Days Sunny. He was ending all his comments with it hoping it would catch on, but of course it didn't.
well, it's a nice thought, anyway. Dave's a nice man, don't you be pickin' on him. I liked the busted tees. I'm sure they'd make great Christmas gifts for many of my family members.
drawn in 31 min
One entry found.
Main Entry: buf·foon
Pronunciation: \(?)b?-?fün\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French bouffon, from Old Italian buffone
Date: 1585
1 : a ludicrous figure : clown
2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person
— buf·foon·ish \-?fü-nish\ adjective Now.. what about that T-Shirt
You want funny T-Shirts? Check this out.
I like the one that says "NEW MEXICO, cleaner than regular Mexico."
silly Axil....YOU'RE