boardsbeginnerThe Blue Monday

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drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
satsunea (Oct 12, 2007)
Sorry for the spam , I'm just way too bored. My tablet does weird things , I will throw it to the wall soon >A< I love Nia's short hair~
satsunea (Oct 12, 2007)
drawn in 56 min
Akatsukinocamila (Oct 13, 2007)
I dnno why this dosnt have any comments but,
I love the coloring style!
Its so soft and blurry and cute!
Is that supposed to be Near from Deathnote?
satsunea (edited Oct 13, 2007)
Oh my if I'm that bad at drawing girls maybe I should stop trying ;D It is supposed to be Nia from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.(BUT thanks anyways 8--D)
mooqueen (Oct 13, 2007)
Love her hair color. Reminds me of ice-cream~ XD
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