boardsbeginnerOw ow.

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drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Sep 7, 2007)
Ow ow.
Roytje (Sep 7, 2007)
drawn in 23 min
Punky (Sep 7, 2007)
I love these colours so much, they remind me of bubblegum ice cream.
That pink fish looks like he doesn't take crap from anyone.
davincipoppalag (Sep 7, 2007)
Another flight into Roy's imagination.. Love this stuff.. someone better warn the little guy about that green thing with the big teefs!
Silvair (Sep 7, 2007)
AW. Fish! I love it when people draw fishes <3! Though this poor fish looks like its going to get eaten... And I totally and completely adore the colours! Seeing this totally made my day :D.
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