aww :3 i misss you tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <33 ;D waha yar, crits? :3 her nose is little :0 just look at people's faces off google and you'll see what i mean XD her cheeks are too low I guess 8D low as in the highlighting should be a bit higher near the eyes :3 kinda XD but yeh, good start on the hair :D it's cute and strandish loooking ^w^ and the colouring is cuteeee :D~!!
The nose came out looking realistic in this and since the overall look to this is anime style, it just kind of clashes with the styles. I think it would be better if the eyes looked more realistic too. But I do like the coloring, especially the hair.
drawn in 1 hour 31 min
I'll try to fix her nose and cheeks :)
drawn in 21 min
now everything else about this picture bugs me XD
drawn in 27 min
her eyes look like they have tiny little legs.