boardsbeginner"STEAL THIS PICTURE!"(invitation.)
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drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 24, 2007)
You re invited to steal this picture,copy it,and put it up wherever you like.Pass it on.Sorry the art and caligraphy is so bad.The message is the medium,in this case.I was just discussing on businessweek,and the professor was so puzzled,why American culture is so lousy,deteriorated,and now art,music,education is now kaput in the culture,and in school systems..Big mystery.Answer is:It was sold out.Investigate the Ancient Roman empire,they did exactly the same thing.Materialism,and power,money,stuff,was more greatly prized than anything else.It always eliminates any other values.So,"Girls Gone Wild,"cause it made the company-inventor very rich,is seen as "pillar of the business community,"instead of a lousy pornographer. NOW,if he had done the same thing,and not made any money off it,or been very small time,THEN he would have been called scum. Howev er,since "Girls Gone Wild" make him a zillionaire,the Stock Market salutes him as a successful entrepeneur. WE women,on the other hand,know he is yer basic pimp.Just a very successful one.
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 24, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
davincipoppalag (Jul 24, 2007)
And he got rich..because so many people bought tapes from him.. he couldnt sell it if there wasn't a market.. sick, isn't it
MelissaMissy (Jul 25, 2007)
Cool, I dont get it but cool!
Purplemartin (Jan 20, 2010)
The stigma of being poor in America is worse then the actual going without. I get it!
Bubblicious (Jan 20, 2010)
I wonder what happens when you have morals and you are poor... Hmm....
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 21, 2010)
Good question,Bubbilicious;there are poor religious people,who try very hard to hang onto their morals,but what happens a lot,is,that morals are luxury of the middleclass,not the poor.

Remember "My Fair Lady"?Eliza's(the flower girl,who was transformed)dad,who was low class British,never married her mom.Now,when he ended up inheriting money,because he had become middleclass,and "decent",he had to marry her mom,finally.Why?Because once you have money,and are middleclass,respectable,you are forced to have morals.(??)--by society.Poor people do not have to get married,ect.,can drink,like he did,and in general not have a good reputation.Neither,apparentally,do the rich.(Notice how movies stars,celebrities,often do not get married,they just have kids.)

The rich,he sings,can play around as much as they like;But the middleclass,have to be respectable,forced by society to be that way.The very poor, cannot afford morals,they have to do whatever they can,to survive.(very often true.)The rich are too well off,society cannot touch them.But the middleclass are in the crunch;THEY ARE THE ONES,who,when they lose respectibility,get tilted socially,economically,down.They are not rich enough to be loose.But bad morals from them,can economically,socially ruin them.The other 2 classes can do what they like(as pointed out in "My Fair Lady")But Eliza's dad sings mornfully,that since he has money,NOW he's forced to be moral. Ha ha. hope that answers yer question slightly.(Yes,there are moral poor people,but not as often in the modern world.They get temptations,squeezed,no money in tight places,and their young abandon morals at not helping them at all,in the world. )It's not fun,or happy,to be poor in a world of fancy Nike,Adidas sneakers,gold chains,hip purses,status items,and great technology.It may be worse for poor people now,than before.)
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