I really dig the feeling in this one, i think its really good, its like a kind of blurry figurine but yet the blurry makes it even better, kind of surrealistic and in movement. Real real nice
This must have been boring to draw, or at least frustrarting. I dont know how people sit at the pc for hours drawing something. I just can't do it! Great pic, not my type but very detailed and cool.
Boring? How could something that cool looking be boring to draw? What goes trough you head girl? People take time to perfect their draws and learn. That's the essence of art.
Ikari its an inside joke for a name of this creature. Normaly I come up with strange demonic names.. and this creature I never made a name for so with my freinds and I talking about it one day.. someone joked about the name of Ed. It stuck and there ya go! http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e353/knosis/thefirsted.jpg the original ed scanned.
drawn in 1 hour 30 min
drawn in 1 hour 19 min
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
Wow, he's scary lookin'. I'm loving the colour combinations. <3
drawn in 56 min
drawn in 10 min
http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e353/knosis/thefirsted.jpg the original ed scanned.
btw ed ver.2 looks something from World of Warcraft ... it´s really good Kayos.