THis is very scary looking, Donna! I see a creepy guy peering out staring at me through the..hmnmm...not sure what he's peering at me through...but that stare is really intense and unsettling..
It's like an alien fish. I'm with Joy, I think the only way we'll know is if you do a tutorial like I did.
Tutorial Donna, I wanna do flowy, oily rainbow pictures.
Btw, I really like V3, really has an alien landscape look to it.
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 1 hour 5 min
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 18 min
drawn in 15 min
drawn in 34 min
Tutorial Donna, I wanna do flowy, oily rainbow pictures.
Btw, I really like V3, really has an alien landscape look to it.