boardsbeginnerAnother Drawing thingie..
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drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PuNk3r_Bl1sS (Mar 26, 2007)
Hah. It's for someone one Gaia, Once again. @_@
For some reason, I actrully kinda sorta like this drawing. Gah. Weird.
PuNk3r_Bl1sS (Mar 26, 2007)
drawn in 47 min
Sweetcell (Mar 26, 2007)
Ok.... wow. You REALLY need to start on begginers. This isn't a simple doodle site. You need to work on your lineart, and you need to spend more time on your pieces. If all your going to do is doodle there are plenty of sites to do that in, or you don't need to bother sending. If your unsure then read the rules but this is not intermediate material.
DarthWhammy1983 (Mar 26, 2007)
I actually like the style of this.
shleee (Mar 27, 2007)
i do and if im not mistaken this is the beginners board sweetcell :P

really good draw :) *\O/*
Maiko (Mar 27, 2007)
Shleee> uh, that's 'cause I moved it. >_>
Sweetcell (Mar 29, 2007)
Ya, what Maiko said. >:@
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