boardsbeginnerPyro sketch
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drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007) — edit
I did this sketch a while back for a friend. This is not a serious piece, it's really just a demonstration of what you can do with the technique I mentioned on my 'Slappy McTwinkles - Cold" piece. Obviously, the lines were not too tight on this sketch but you can see how this might be useful, perhaps for concept art or placement for a more elaborate piece. And of course, if you have really clean, tight lineart, you can use this method to color your lineart.

Original sketch: Pyro

You can see that it didn't transfer perfectly but I'm working on it, I should be able to get it close with some tweaking.
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
drawn in 24 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 13, 2007)
Your "not serious pieces" beat hell out of most of what I see..
frootcake (Mar 13, 2007)
this is one of the best quick drawings here. 24minutes, are you for real?
Pseudonymous (Mar 13, 2007)
Man, I wish I had your raw talent.
lori (Mar 13, 2007)
dude there's a big fireball comin' off his unit, what's up with that? O_o
well drawn as always sir Kloxness
Miss_DJ (Mar 13, 2007)
this is great Klox. Love his movement, facial expression. It's a really cool draw.
psychofox0 (Mar 13, 2007)
wow, awesome anatomy. I love the detail you put into this piece.
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
Thanks. I used a photo of a baseball pitcher for a ref, can you tell? :P
marcello (Mar 13, 2007)
24 minutes is a lieeee. klox is cheating the system D:
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
Marcello: Now, now, I'm not cheating at all. I stated what I did, I even provided a link to the original drawing I did. This is no different than putting a sketch in Photoshop which is what I'm trying to get people to understand, it seems this idea isn't getting across to some. I assure you, this technique is useful and I will demonstrate this in a more advanced piece.
TaCO (Mar 13, 2007)
I know your probably very happy with this feature, but I'm totally against what you’ve done here.

One thing I always liked about these applets is that you can't import images.
I’m not saying it doesn’t have it's advantages, but It just destroys a big part of what I like about these applets.

If I had my way I would remove the text feature or fix It so you couldn't do this.
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
Derrick: How does this technique destroy any part of the applets? That makes no sense to me, perhaps you could explain this further? And may I say, I'm very glad you're not in control of the applets, the idea that you would remove the text feature for that reason is a clear indication you're not qualified to control the applets. If you want limitations, there are plenty of oekaki sites that have restrictions and guidelines, sites that wouldn't allow such nefarious abominations as text imported lineart.
Pseudonymous (Mar 13, 2007)
I think he's saying that people can now import photos as lineart and then pretend that it's their original artwork. I think that's an issue too, but I really hope it doesn't become one because I think this is an awesome thing to be able to do.
TaCO (Mar 13, 2007)
Just think about it, It's not hard to understand why I’m not in favor of It.

I'm Sorry if I sound rude or disrespectful, I’m not trying to be.
HunterKiller_ (Mar 13, 2007)
I do somewhat agree with Derrick, but I do also have to say that I find it quite frustrating trying create clean line-work in these applets.
The down side to this is that people will be able to import art which doesn't belong to them.

I don't understand how you did this. You set the image as text? What the hell? o.0
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
Hunterkiller, Pseudonymous, everyone! : I agree, importing a photo and then claiming it's your original art work wouldn't be cool. That would be very difficult using my technique though, this technique really only works for lineart. One could steal another artists lineart and use this technique to import it, this is true but you could also copy another artists work by hand on the applets, it wouldn't be as easy but you could. My point is, stealing other artists artwork is a choice, a choice most of us would agree is wrong and just because my technique may make it easier, doesn't make the technique at fault, it is the individual that made that choice that is at fault.
TaCO (Mar 13, 2007)
Kloxboy: That's only one of the reasons I don't like It.

1. stealing
2. time & date
3. Not knowing if It was drawn with the applet or imported

It just takes away a few very small things that I've always enjoyed here on 2draw, that I have not found on any other site.
Kloxboy (Mar 13, 2007)
Derrick: Since when was integrity or originality a given for all the artists on 2Draw, or anywhere for that matter? These qualities were certainly not priorities to some 2Draw artists before I found this technique and will continue not to be regardless what tools are available. This reminds me a little of the digital art v.s. traditional art debate, some traditional artist feel digital art is cheating or isn't "real art". But digital art is digital -art-, not traditional art, the key word being ART.. Digital art is a different art media and artists utilize different tools and techniques to create than they would traditional. On a smaller scale, my lineart import technique is merely another technique that makes part of the creating process easier but keep in mind, it also leaves room for experimentation, innovation and advancement. Some people will be lazy with this import technique, others will take advantage of this tool and use it to further the quality of their artwork. There is a real potential for this technique and I think in a broad sense your reasoning contradicts your argument, you're condemning a tool that's purpose is not too dissimilar to drawing applets themselves, making art creation easier. It's a legitimate tool and I think it should be treated as such.
TaCO (Mar 14, 2007)
It's a very simple matter you don't need too explain it to me. I completely understand what your saying.

I don't feel this is cheating. And I'm not talking about integrity or originality.
And I feel It's a legitimate tool with lots of potential.

But I don't think you understand me to well, mostly cause I suck at explaining.

I like looking at peoples art and knowing when they drew It, about how long it took to draw, and what tools they drew It with.
I know I sound stupid to you, but these very small things are Important me.
It doesn’t matter how much you explain to me, Ill still miss these things.

I know no one is going to remove this feature.
I understand why you like It, I just want you the understand why I don't.

davincipoppalag (Mar 14, 2007)
Klox, I'm glad it was you who demonstrated this..because we already know you dont need to use other's work, yours is better. Cars go faster than's the choice of the operator to misuse the equipment, as Klox said. I see it as legitemate use if it's your own work,as Klox says. I doubt too many will understand how to do it, ..Lord knows I don't. But it won't be too hard to tell if it's being abused if someone who always has crappy lines suddenly starts creating great ones, eh? So if someone who can use this for their own work and make better pictures, what's wrong with it.
Axil62 (Mar 14, 2007)
This is a computer. Its capabilities are awsome. Use it as you will, explore, experiment, push the boundries. I think the idea is cool.
Kloxboy (Mar 14, 2007)
What Axil said. :D
Moosh (Mar 14, 2007)
8D That's sooo awesome. Great idea.
Sweetcell (Mar 14, 2007)
Can someone explain in real dummie talk how this works? Or better yet, draw a tutorial.
marcello (Mar 14, 2007)
Ok, Ok, the real problem I have with this technique is that you're using other software, you're using expensive tools that most people do not have access to--kind of goes against the ideal of 2draw. In this case I feel like the technique involved is complicated enough that most people will not take advantage of it. Just be open about it and don't only do it?
Kloxboy (Mar 14, 2007)
Marcello: Lol. I thought you were napping? ;) Well, I have the software and I know how to do it, so I will do it. :D
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