Bah, Java wants to start Internet Explorer.. grr, -_-
Mocha_Bean (edited Feb 24, 2007)
drawn in 8 hours 37 min
So the verdict is that she says something mean, lol...
And the timer is a lying liar...I had left the browser open and had dinner...but then again it's telling the truth, I had lots of trouble with the lineart since I was trying a different style...and damn it, she seems transparent... ugh, -_-
drawn in 43 min
drawn in 26 min
drawn in 8 hours 37 min
And the timer is a lying liar...I had left the browser open and had dinner...but then again it's telling the truth, I had lots of trouble with the lineart since I was trying a different style...and damn it, she seems transparent... ugh, -_-