Aaaaaawwwww I miss HIM alot.........D:>
I really loved to see the PPG show when ever he appeared, he is really funny and really gay, I can't bealived that I never nothiced that he was gay until I knew that he was a guy.........."I always though he was just an ugly but cool lady with a goateeck"....8D
.............Logging of Lore.V..............
You just outlined the most awesome part of PPG.
... Well, when you know what a lumpkin is, and you actually ponder if there's further meaning to a 'fuzzy lumpkin' you might argue... But HIM is best in my mind. :D
drawn in 35 min
I really loved to see the PPG show when ever he appeared, he is really funny and really gay, I can't bealived that I never nothiced that he was gay until I knew that he was a guy.........."I always though he was just an ugly but cool lady with a goateeck"....8D
.............Logging of Lore.V..............
Butbut, this is awesome 8D
... Well, when you know what a lumpkin is, and you actually ponder if there's further meaning to a 'fuzzy lumpkin' you might argue... But HIM is best in my mind. :D
You are my hero. :)