boardsbeginnerIn the Opera House (Convent Garden)
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drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
R_O_L_O (Feb 13, 2007)
I haven't actually been to Convent Garden allot, actually I only went once, but if I remember correctly, they had red fabric chairs with gold structures.
R_O_L_O (Feb 13, 2007)
drawn in 56 min
pancakes_rock (Feb 13, 2007)
sweet you have inproved alot i like her dress pretty.. @w@
R_O_L_O (Feb 13, 2007)
drawn in 17 min
R_O_L_O (Feb 14, 2007)
drawn in 2 min
Yay, I made a bg, shaded the poles, and changed her outfit.
~Wolf~ (Feb 14, 2007)
i still laugh at the way i drew in the beging when i first got on this site, &sometimes i still
but this is nothing to be ashamed of.
you have improved drasticly.
R_O_L_O (Feb 14, 2007)
Drastically..oh my, sounds violent! Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day to you both!
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