Please, do not be impressed by professionals;most of them have to teach,at some level,to make a living,and they do their own art on the side. Do you know what the ratio is, of creative people who can earn a living doing it? One in 6 billion. I do not lie. Win the lottery,do not try to make money at art,or be impressed by "professionals."
You can make a very, very good living at art if you don't mind working in a studio. Artist salary in the videogame industry is ~60k. As lead artist for a project you can easily make triple digits.
'Art for art's sake' type artists do probably have a hard time making a living though. Plus it seems like a really political scene.
drawn in 18 min
'Art for art's sake' type artists do probably have a hard time making a living though. Plus it seems like a really political scene.