not to be a downer, but oekaki bbs actually works fine if you use it on an oekaki boards like oekaki Central. it's very nice, but if the animation has screwed up, you could always go back over it one more time and defint the lines a little omre, kill some of those white dots and most importantly, erase the black lines on the blade of the sword. combined with the odd coloring, those line mak the sword look like a wooden sword... i don't know if that was intentional
This is pretty cool. I think you did a great job for your first attempt. And about the Oekaki bbs, I have NEVER had a problem with it. Most of my drawings are with that program and I think its the best one here. Dont get me wrong, I know the owner of this site is pushing his program, but that to me is buggy and lagging...oh, and it locks up on me. Great pic nonetheless.
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Oh, and; I'd advice not getting used to oekakibbs. It's a stupid buggy program. Paintbbs is much more reliable.
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