100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
psychofox0 (Jan 19, 2007)
meh, I don't like his arms or hands so I'm gonna have
to fix em. I have to draw a background of some sort
and put effort into it because teacher sweetcell said so.
but I will do it latter... kinda tired now. ;b
psychofox0 (Jan 19, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 14 min
Fiesta (Jan 20, 2007)
Aw, I like this guy. :33
He looks bored. Like being a super ninja furry, isn't fun. x3
Good job so far. (:
Naima (Jan 20, 2007)
I think it looks great, so far! I like his expression - something about his face is sweet and friendly despite the dual swords :)
Hope4 (Jan 20, 2007)
dude i like it alot, i do...but i got one question man..wheres the evil? it has the potential to look crazy..but besides that, good job my man
whitefox0 (edited Jan 20, 2007)
oh, I see a nipple......
psychofox0 (Jan 21, 2007)
drawn in 42 min
meh, the background kinda sucks.. I messed with the
opacity thingy on the layer and made him look like a
ghost fox guy.. yeah.... X3
jaded_angel (Jan 21, 2007)
yea he looks like a ghost therefore the bg is perfect, the colours blend well together :)
Sweetcell (Jan 21, 2007)
Well now, this is good. Seriously you did a good job on the background (but you got sloppy with the cross, but I'll forgive you:}) The thing with doing backgrounds is like anything else. It's just practicing. Like I said (I think it was you) if you can't think of a background then look through comics, magazines, google some sites on the web, or just watch a cartoon or film and get an idea from what you see and try your own version of it. I do that a lot if I can't come up with something. There's inspiration everywhere, you just have to look.

You do have the shadows in the wrong place however. Since the moon is behind him and it's as bright as that it would be casting the shadow in front, not behind like you've done on the tombstone. As well the highlights on the stone would be on the left, where the moon is shining, and the shadow on the right. You did good making him ghostly. Keep it up Aaron, your getting there. :)
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jan 21, 2007)
Hey this is really great my friend........:D
I'am to bad on choosing a really good background my friend.......T3T
Its really rare the time when I have an ideal backgroung for one of my pictures......<:D
But like sweetcell say my friend, look all over around you, see others people pictures, see out side of your house, see everything that passes throu you, be an open minded person and you'll see all of the inspiration and imagination you'll have to time......:D
I know as well I know many of my friends will say the same thing that with that technique to see everuthing around you does makes us better at our drawings as well to have a greater imagination.........XD
Good work my friend, we still in study section my friend........X* But we will get even better.........:D
.................Logging of Lore.V................
psychofox0 (Jan 21, 2007)
thank you for the tips.X3. I shall take them to heart.
yeah, now that you mention it sweetcell the shadows are
totally off. yeah, I'm getting there it's climbing a mountain
an art mountain. yes, we are still studying but we will become
awesome Lore! Awesome like sweetcell... well one of these days.
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