*grabs ghostly white haired sexy pic* HE's MINE!! muahahaha...
--hee, your pic reminds me of my friend and me when wes was little, we used to sweep the driveway and pretend like we were hobos...we actually got a few dollars from this guy walking down our street one time..it was foon, i would wear a randalls bag and one sock...childhood memories *sigh*
drawn in 0sec
here. feel better.
--hee, your pic reminds me of my friend and me when wes was little, we used to sweep the driveway and pretend like we were hobos...we actually got a few dollars from this guy walking down our street one time..it was foon, i would wear a randalls bag and one sock...childhood memories *sigh*
Amuy- that sounds so great...children who extort money through deception= children who will go far! bwahahaha