boardsintermediateThe Painted Lizard

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drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
Practice makes perfect
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
drawn in 31 min
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
drawn in 25 min
davincipoppalag (Jan 8, 2007)
This is looking good so far Ericka...look forward to the finish~
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
drawn in 40 min
lori (Jan 8, 2007)
that's wild, great draw
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
Thank you....:) i tried ;P
Miss_DJ (Jan 8, 2007)
I really like this Ericka! I love the perspective. Very creative!
Shortiebop (Jan 8, 2007)
thank you these comments mean alot coming from you 3. you guys are great artist :)
davincipoppalag (Jan 8, 2007)
Yay..this came out great Ericka! Love the look on the guy's face!
Shortiebop (Jan 9, 2007)
thank you Dave, just trying something different :)
Great_white (Jan 9, 2007)
This is really cool shortay keep it up!
Shortiebop (Jan 9, 2007)
lots a tanks lol....part of my heritage, i am a big pot of stew....a lil bit of everything thrown in a pot lol...
~Alyse~ (Jan 9, 2007)
this is a realy cool pic! very original! where'd the idea come from?
Shortiebop (Jan 9, 2007)
my daughter :)
DrawingDork (Jan 10, 2007)
Wow, This is great! The most original picture I've seen on all of 2draw, You've got skills!!
Shortiebop (Jan 10, 2007)
thank you for the compliment...still practicing lol...after all practice does make perfect :) and not many believe i am that skillful...but thanks anyway :)
Hope4 (Jan 13, 2007)
yo wow.. this shit is dope...props to shortie .. peace
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