watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Dec 1, 2006)
...i dunno...i was bored...if you look close enough you'll see images on each side and at the bottom.
senshi (Dec 1, 2006)
drawn in 35 min
Hope4 (Dec 1, 2006)
damn dude how did you do that thats pretty wicked, what does it say??
Shortiebop (Dec 1, 2006)
WHY???? what a waste of space....
senshi (edited Dec 1, 2006)
There are crappy pics that are bigger wastes of space... cant see the right one.
psychofox0 (Dec 1, 2006)
It is not a waste of space. It is interesting. I like any way.
woah_pockster (Dec 1, 2006)
nice. this is something new. i like it lots<3
whitefox0 (Dec 2, 2006)
I love it!!
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