lol @ senshi... I'll pass on the chocolate, but I watched a movie the other night with my daughter... I think it was called "RV"... it had Robin Williams in it and it was stupid hilarious. I love "stupid funny" movies. Laughter is good.
..okay. yay christmas...much happiness...Pursuit of Happiness...Will Smith...I wanna see that...he's's his son...Fresh Prince is awesome...I watched Hitch like...52 times...i gotta's annoying...whatever...
senshi, depression isnt something that people can just get over. there are several different cases of depression, one of whoch would be clinical depression.
if you are depressed, then its not likely you are going to enjoy doing alot of things, so thats not the best way to go about talking to a person who is going through depression.
they want to be better, and if that worked for everyone, then they would do it. im sorry but im trying to stop people from thinking so negativly and poorly towards people going through this. i play someone who has this point of veiw in a skit i am a part of for the corner health center theatre troupe, and its hard for me to play a part that i cant agree with, but what are you going to do...*shrugs*
btw, im happy you are not depressed, shortie-b' i like the shininess of the hair :)
...okay...that's cool..i guess...but i dont think negatively on depressed people. I think negatively on humans...depressed people are just sick humans...
drawn in 17 min
if you are depressed, then its not likely you are going to enjoy doing alot of things, so thats not the best way to go about talking to a person who is going through depression.
they want to be better, and if that worked for everyone, then they would do it. im sorry but im trying to stop people from thinking so negativly and poorly towards people going through this. i play someone who has this point of veiw in a skit i am a part of for the corner health center theatre troupe, and its hard for me to play a part that i cant agree with, but what are you going to do...*shrugs*
btw, im happy you are not depressed, shortie-b' i like the shininess of the hair :)