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drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cmb (Nov 1, 2006)
I just wanted to catch the expression....
cmb (Nov 1, 2006)
drawn in 25 min
iamawalnutt (Nov 1, 2006)
im not bein funny.
DMV (Nov 1, 2006)
CMB! I remember you from the Youdraw days :) your skill level is way beyond beginner.
nice to see you drawing again:)
davincipoppalag (Nov 1, 2006)
Very pretty Christine!
Rosemary (Nov 1, 2006)
great to see u drawing here Christine! lovely pic :)
Shortiebop (Nov 1, 2006)
very pretty....walnut needs her eyes checked lol...:)
friend (Nov 1, 2006)
killed the cat.
cmb (Nov 1, 2006)
welll the neck is wrong- and I have drawn her head to far over.. but I enjoyed shading- Im sticking to beginner for a while to get my skill level up..
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