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drawn in 33 min with OekakiBBS
Zappo (Aug 5, 2003)
Ever since i did this one Ive wanted to do another bigger one in the same style.. Its not done. Ill finish it later. Heres a nice little formula for eternity...... Its a song.....
[color:Grey]every thousand years
this metal sphere
ten times the size of Jupiter
floats just a few
yards past the earth
you climb on your roof
and take a swipe at it
with a single feather
hit it once every thousand years
`til you've worn it down
to the size of a pea
yeah I'd say that's a long time
but it's only half a blink
in the place you're gonna be where
you gonna be
where will you spend eternity
I'm gonna be perfect from now on
I'm gonna be
perfect starting now
stop making that sound
stop making that sound
I will say I forgot
but it was only yesterday
and it's all you had to say [/color]
Zappo (Aug 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Marienkind (edited Aug 5, 2003)
mmm. meteors. the picture has a nice stained glass look like the previous one. zappo, as pretty as the song is, some of us are intimidated by long paragraphs on picture. it's kind of an aesthetic thing.
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