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drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
feena95 (Aug 2, 2003)
another pic from shaman king (@o@ i love itt!!) she is..... i forgot her name ^^U..... is that little quiet blond girl that is with hao ^^U
feena95 (Aug 2, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Genkaiart37 (edited Aug 2, 2003)
it is a good drawing, but i think it needs some color.
feena95 (Aug 2, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Jiah (edited Aug 3, 2003)
*points* I havn't gotten that far in teh manga, and the show isn't out yet here. To lazy DL. In the english version, I'm sure that they'll change Amidamaru's name ;.;
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