boardscollaborationsyou as a chibi!revise entryOekaki Shi-Painter
Error loading drawing applet, please check JavaScript console!
Entry Locked
This image has been automatically locked for you.

Locking prevents users from overwriting the other's work.

If you decide to not submit a revision, you should click the cancel button below to unlock the image, otherwise no one else can revise the image.

Specialty Boards/Collaborations
This specialty board is intended only for collaborations. While you can collaborate on any board, this board has an extended amount of space allocated so that you can fit more edits in your collaborations.

Special rules for this board: your submissions must be collaborations, and you must meet the intermediate quality skill level. Anything that doesn't meet these rules will be deleted or moved with a point penalty, as seen fit.
Applet Help
Oekaki Shi-Painter v1.114
by shi-chan

Pick colors from the palette or red/green/blue sliders

Switch between three layers with the Layer0/Layer1/Layer2 button

Tips: Most tools have several options that can be rotated by clicking multiple times.

Adjust the A slider to change opacity.

For flood fill click the 'Fill' button

click the 'Float' button to float the shipainter applet

done: click Upload when you have finished
