Lots of people have tasted turtle. Not me, but bears don't taste good because they are typically omnivores, and you shouldn't kill something unless you are going to eat it, utilize it to preserve your own life, defend your own life or the life of someone else, or to stop the suffering of that life, and I like Teddy Bears, so I can forgive the Japan thing. (I think)
"I have been in War...and I have been in Eleanor...let me say.. I prefer War" Franklin Delano Roosevelt... (wasnt that Lyndon Johnson who swung the dogs round by their ears)
Could be, I've been to Lyndon Baines Johnson's house, and it has a dog walk in the middle of it. (which was used to keep coolers full of ice, kind of like we use refrigerators, I think?) I didn't see a dog-torturing or dog-swinging area, though.
Well, if he didn't have yellow paint he could've put it in a paper sack and sat it on the porch, set fire to it, and then watched to see who came to stomp it out? I like tonka toys.
drawn in 1 hour 27 min
not frog EGGS, frog LEGS
I wonder if theres a pet store nearby.
Read it and believe it
i fixxed it
I'm withholding your happy face because it's fixed ;)
And funny we like eating something that was basically shat out.
Oh, btw good picture. It so got highjacked.