Isn't that the movie with that creepyass old man who commands some red bull to kill the unicorns, and in the end they take PCP and the ocean turns into unicorns?
I loved the movie when I was little, and I have read the book about four times. It is a strange and somewhat dark story. Great drawing, I really like the dark blue swirls of the water.
The first time I saw this was years back and I adored it, till some of the actors sang the songs (note: Don't sing if you can't) Beautifully done goat. You got her likeness and the soft look of a reflection. My favorite of yours so far.
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drawn in 1 hour 53 min
Some of us don't need drugs to be naturally high/have an odd sense of creativity. :]
I have yet to find a copy of the book. I know I'll probably like it a lot when I do, though.