Ohhhhhhhhh so beautifull and elegant my friend..............:]
Almost have a feal of a make up product from paris................:] The ones tthat my mom buys.........^-^
Really nice and smooth my friend, keep it up..........:P
.............Logging of Lore.V..............
Thanks all. Someone on a sci-fi site I frequent (Fireflyfans.net) did a banner and I liked the way it looked. There was a bridge (Golden Gate I think) and some lettering promoting the show, I just used the image here. I wanted to do a two tone picture and I did.
By the way, confession. I used the straight tool and the bezier in this picture. I was using my mouse and when I use my mouse the only real control I have is with the special tools. But I used them craftally. ;)
drawn in 1 hour 16 min
I didn't think this was yours. Something new? Looks good, anyhow.
Almost have a feal of a make up product from paris................:] The ones tthat my mom buys.........^-^
Really nice and smooth my friend, keep it up..........:P
.............Logging of Lore.V..............
By the way, confession. I used the straight tool and the bezier in this picture. I was using my mouse and when I use my mouse the only real control I have is with the special tools. But I used them craftally. ;)
The hair and eyelashes are so pretty, but the whole thing says: "HOMG I PWN JOO n00b"
Radial I'm using your link to comment here. *smoochies*
the eyes ant the hair <3
Like everybody else, I think this is so pretty... so well executed. It's kinda perfect, really.
Decima, are you a Browncoat?