boardscontest!Bloody Elizabeth or Bloody Relations

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drawn in 2 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
The_Chosen (Aug 23, 2006)
Countess Elizabeth Bathory a distant relation of mine from Transylvania as I understand it a distant cousin of hers or something like that was a close personal friend of Vlad Tepes (the real Dracula) also from what I can tell Tepes young wife was related to her cousin Vlad, being of beter social station than Elizabeth's cousin, took the girl in after her parents died and maried her when she was 19 or something. Elizabeth could be said to be something of a vampire herself she beleived that bathing in the blood of young women would ensure her youth for eternity there are even rumors of her drinking blood. she was eventually charged with murder and said to be insane they walled her up and she died alone ...

My family history is allover the place nobility usualy maried into nobility from other places to improve relations so chances are that if you are related to even one you are most likely related to all the rest of them. I did some research and found I have some pretty scary relations and my mom thought this was a picture of me O.o . I used a bad faded out black and white picture reference of an old painting and did the best I could with what I had the face is hers but the rest is mostly out of my head
The_Chosen (Aug 23, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 3 min
Sweetcell (Aug 23, 2006)
Wait a minute, your related to the lady who bathed in the blood of virgins. Her story is as infamous as Vlad the Impaler and so many others. Wow, kinda a notable around here Jen. Your story alone should make you win.

I only come from peasant stock. X|
davincipoppalag (Aug 23, 2006)
Ohhh royalty in our midst...(besides Marcello) This is a good looking drawing~it has that "I was painted with oils on an old board and now I'm cracking" feel to it
poison_ivy (Aug 24, 2006)
Blood of virgins?!!?! pity lies with the virgins, lol, i love the feel of this tho....
Shigatsu_Sensei (Aug 24, 2006)
Yeah! They're related! Ain't it WEIRD and FREAKY!!!!!!!!!! MUWAHAHAHAH.....Nice by the way! ^_^
Wraith (edited Apr 23, 2012)
I find the stories of Vlad The Impaler, and Elizabet Bathory Fascinating, and at the same time, frightening. Sometimes when I am walking around on a dark night, Just the word Vlad, sends shivers.

Wow you are related to Elizabeth Bathory? Based on her beauty, that is Awesome! Also, nice drawings. You should draw more often. Sorry I have not commented on your latest drawings, but anime is getting old for me. I want to draw american cartoons.

Edit* I have a Vlad the Impaler drawing in the works..... Never got back at it.
The_Chosen (Apr 23, 2012)
Thanks Wraith Actually I'm glad to get any comments lately it seems no one is interested in giving them. what I hate is when someone spent like 30 min on a pic & one that took 4+ hours & the 30 min gets like 10 comments & the other one that actually took time & effort no one even comments on. Kind of why I stopped coming here for a while it was aggravating. Even a nice color or a well done or something would be better than no comments at all especially when it is obvious at least SOME effort was given. >_> but that's just me.
Wraith (edited Apr 24, 2012)
Yeah I agree that having no comments kind of sucks... But I do think that artists should just focus on what they love to do, and forget everyone else. I love to draw, just not right now. ( besides I think my pen broke a little because the tip is too loose ) And I try to comment as much as possible. But If I do not comment, it's because maybe I do not like it, or I forgot to comment. Either way, it does not necessarily mean the drawing is bad. I don't like Zep's drawings, but here he is worshiped. Of course he is a better artist than me, but I just don't like his style no matter how hard I try to. Look at Axil62. He draws for 10 min, and I think most of his drawings are kick-ass. But I really like his styles.
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