oooh this looks gorgeous so far!! <3
i always admire your coloring, especially on the hair and skin..
pretty flower in her hair :3
cant wait to see the finished picture!!
Losing interest..gaaaahh >.>''
I'll continue when I feel more motivated...Just hope that I don't run out of bandwidth just yet.
Edit: I just checked...I ran out of bandwidth!!!!! >(
1.1mb...way past the 750kb limit....
Is Mai still around? If not I'll have to ask Marcello for bandwidth.
chikenlips: Weeeell...I do but I don't use it anymore. >.> There's something about DA that bothers me.
Everyone else: It's such an honour to be commented on by you guys :D
drawn in 2 min
drawn in 1 hour 32 min
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 35 min
i always admire your coloring, especially on the hair and skin..
pretty flower in her hair :3
cant wait to see the finished picture!!
drawn in 39 min
I'll continue when I feel more motivated...Just hope that I don't run out of bandwidth just yet.
Edit: I just checked...I ran out of bandwidth!!!!! >(
1.1mb...way past the 750kb limit....
Is Mai still around? If not I'll have to ask Marcello for bandwidth.
The colours are wonderful! Exspecially the hair.
Can't wait until its finished.
Gambatte Yo. ^u^
drawn in 17 min
My bad, summer colors.
Everyone else: It's such an honour to be commented on by you guys :D