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DrKilljoy (Aug 12, 2006)
Aliana sat in the unwavering sun with a bow and arrow ready in her hands. She listened closely to any movement on the other side of the wall as she quietly stretched the bow. A bead of sweat made its way down the crevice on her back and was finally impeded by the tight bindings of her leather like armor. She blinked out a bit of sweat from her soft brown eyes and the sweat continued down her slender face. Her brown leather hood covered her charcoal colored hair which was bound by a piece of rope around the back of her neck. She could slowly feel the suns heat growing on her shoulders and its burden grew heavier every passing moment as she waited for the faintest noise from her target. She closed her eyes imagining her arrow hitting its target in the forehead and finally a rustle came. A crunch of leaves below the walls opposite side sounded her attention and she stood up swiftly as she aimed below. She was greeted by a musket which released its own projectile that flew past her shoulder while her arrow made contact with the targets neck. She watched as the small man fell back to the small sea of leaves under him with the musket tightly in his hands. She already had another arrow ready as her target hit the ground.
Aliana leapt down from the wall with a light tap on the ground while her target struggled to crawl away. She released the strain on the bow and pulled out her hunter knife and jabbed it into the targets thigh. Letting out a shriek of pain he tried to roll over only making his thigh wound worse as he flung his musket at her in vain. She had already ripped the knife from his leg and reinserted it into his chest. He stared at her eyes for a moment then rolled his head to one side as blood seeped from his neck and chest. She stood over his body looking over the black and gray armor he wore. On his chest the seal of the local castle guard, a snake eating a man, was imbued onto the armor in red. Aliana picked the musket up, which was surprisingly lighter than the ones she had seen before. She thought about taking the weapon for a moment and discarded the idea quickly as she put the musket on the dead mans chest. Aliana looked down at his face closely pondering on what his last thought were for a moment, wondering if he knew he was going to die today. She thought for a moment on that idea but then decided not to think about it any further. “…poor fool.” She muttered with a hint of pity in her relatively deep voice. She continued on through the fort ruins watching for any other guardsmen, who may be in the area, she knew somebody heard the musket shots that had gone off earlier. Making her way through the fort ruins Aliana came upon an ancient maelstrom well which had marked the area. Possibly the forts downfall hundreds of years ago after a magicians maelstrom destroyed it, since only a magical maelstrom leaves a well. She looked down the crater like hole which reached into the ground until the light could no longer travel the depths. “You there!” A voice shouted. Aliana looked up to find three guards aiming their muskets. “Don’t move you damned spy!” Must be the guard captain. She thought looking over his lavished armor. She quickly jumped back pulling a quiver from her back and stretching the bowstring once more. She heard one of the muskets fire and a ball of metal flew past her shoulder. She released the arrow and penetrated one of the guards grieves. She heard him shout as she hid behind some of the forts ruined pillars. She quickly armed herself again with another bow as the two other guards slowly approached with their muskets at aim. She knew this was to close, arrow wouldn’t be effective as such a close range. She released the strain on the bow quickly as she drew her hunter knife. The guards both flanked her and she shifted off towards the other guard slicing a chunk of skull off his head. She heard the guard captain’s musket fire and the metal projectile was blocked by the freshly slain guards body. He dropped the musket and drew his sword in one motion as Aliana shoved the dead guard toward the guard captain. He brushed the dead guard away as she lunged toward him ready to draw blood. He blocked the knife quickly with his thick gauntlets but to no avail. He felt the sting of the knife enter his neck as he stared her in the eye. She quickly tugged it out and a bit of blood spurted out as he fell onto his back. She heard him attempt to scream but as the guard she had shot in the neck earlier, all that came was gurgles. She turned to find the guard she shot in the leg aiming dead at her as the hammer stuck down. Not enough time to react. She felt the metal ball pass through her lower torso luckily missing bones. She slapped her hand on the fresh wound as blood seeped from it. She looked up to see the guard franticly reloading. She quickly pulled her bow off her back and armed it quickly. Within the second a bow was planted neatly in his forehead. Aliana fell to her knees as the wound throbbed. She breathed deeply as she reached around to her back to feel the exit wound. It was small but she knew that the internal damage wouldn’t last long. She scanned the area and took shelter between a large pile of boulders and one of the ruined fort walls. She gathered up some wood and used some flint from her bag to start a quick fire. After the fire was just strong enough she placed her knife over the fire and let the blade heat for a moment. She cringed for a moment at the thought, but it was the best she could do at the moment. She touched the knife to the skin and it seared the skin on the wounds edge. Sterilizing the area around the front wound she ripped off her left sleeve and pressed it softly against the wound. She quickly did the same to the exit wound and then tied off the sleeve around her lower torso. She stood up feeling the skin scream at her for getting shot. She took a deep breathe and quickly stomped out the small fire she had made. While gathering up her belongings she heard footsteps and quiet whispering then somebody shouted at the discovery of a body. Drawing her bow and preparing a quiver she readied herself. Ten minutes passed and she peaked out to see the guards still scouting the area. “Don’t think about it missy.” A deep voice quietly said. She then heard multiple clicks as a few other men prepared the weapons. “Put it down now and I’ll consider not blowing bits of your skull across the wall.” She released the strain on the bow and the last thing she felt was the butt of a gun slamming into the back of her head. |
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Deformed (Aug 13, 2006)
Nice. But one bit of critisism...
She cringed for a moment at the thought, but it was the best she could do at the moment.You used "Moment" too many times there. Never use a word like that too much in a bulk of sentances, because it sounds too repetative. Use "At the time" or something. |
DrKilljoy (Aug 13, 2006)
Okay, thanks.
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Deformed (Aug 13, 2006)
No problem mate.
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