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Alethea-sama (Jul 25, 2006)
I hate drawing hands that are hold anything roundish >< The pose is reference from a scene in a movie I watched early called A Tale of Two SistersWill be back soon to work on it X3<3 Question: Do you guys think I should leave the skin like that, or more like a cell shade? Also what color should his hair and eyes be? I am not sure what to do there.
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drawn in 51 min
can't wait to see this one finished
http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/73782/ not really but they both have the same face expressions
and thats not good =/
Pancakes: Even though the picture you linked to was made like ten hours after this one? The only similarity here is that girls are crying. Quit trying to start something.
Anyway, to balance out the negativity: I absolutely LOVE the skin tones. Don't change them, or the girl's hair. <333 As for the guy, I actually think white with grey shading would be the best. I don't know what to suggest for the eyes. XD;; I guess personally, I would have them a similar shade to whatever the bed is going to be. I'm just weird that way. o_o;
As for trying to compare this drawing from the one in your link Pancake, well there is a difference. It's in composition and skill. Rather silly to say it's just like the one in the link. Worlds of difference here. As Skai said, don't start anything.
drawn in 55 min
Yesterday was by birthday! WOO, I am now 15 <3
This was how I felt when I drew this. On the 23rd my house was robbed, and the person took alot of my stuff and I cried for a long time XP and this came out of my sad emotions. Only I dont have a nice guy to cried on X3 LOL.
Comments are loved <3
Ale: this is great! Nice job!
Althea I'm sorry about that. We almost lost our house to a fire years back so I can understand a little what your going through. Hope you can replace them soon. The red really makes them pop.
Oh, Happy Birthday.
honestly i was so captivated by the faces (which i must say are beautiful) that i hardly noticed any 'flaws' the arms look fine.
and as for the hands, they can be difficult in some instanses. if you dont do this already, try holding up your own hand like that as a refrence.
you made her so beautiful, i love you!
and im sorry about your house getting robbed. when i was little we came back from my grandmas and someone had broken down the entire wall or our front room to get in. they only stole the TV, VCR and an old PC...i dont know if there was anything else i was too young to register the fact that someone had entered our house while we were gone and had stoled stuff. i only thought about how i couldnt watch TV anymore... 9__9 anyway, that wall needed fixing
Not to mention the book by Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.
has nothing to do with "A Tale of Two Cities".
I didn't get it at all D8