awweh thanks =] i really liked it too. i think i'm finally getting a hang of how to use my mouse. OHH GUESS WHAT? my mom said that she might buy me a tablet. can't wait x3
this coming year, will probably have more people with birthdays in november. one of my friends was born exactly one week before me, and one of my cousins was born exactly two weeks before me. can't wait to see how many people i meet in middle school that were born in november. i like meeting people born in that month though.
lol there's no middle school where i live. the bigger the school you get to the more people you learn about and stuff... that so didn't make sense. LOL
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drawn in 16 min
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 3 min
when in november? my birthday is then too lol.
mine is the 16th of november.
mine's the 21st. lol
i know many people with birthdays in november. it's crazy
gosh. lieing to people like that. ;D haha
in elementary i knew no one with a birthday then.
but now tht i'm in highschool like.. half the school is. lol