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drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
Oww. My hand.
Is it ironic that I did this in Oekaki instead of Lascaux?
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
drawn in 47 min
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
drawn in 17 min
pancakes_rock (Jul 22, 2006)
thats so kool i would never think of that?
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
drawn in 6 min
Final button.
Done <3
Kloxboy (Jul 22, 2006)
Realism, hehehe. Great job.
Anna (Jul 22, 2006)
Very neat. :-) Looks like if it was a screenshot!
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Jul 22, 2006)
cool, looks just like it
pancakes_rock (Jul 22, 2006)
wow carrots are good :3
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
pancakes_rock (Jul 22, 2006)
carrots! X3
SYTHE (Jul 22, 2006)
You should add a special button to your taskbar. Something like a doomsday button, that would be neato.
Unfortunate (Jul 23, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
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