boardsbeginnerCharlie the Unicorn Pic for horse lovers!

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drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
pray4love (Jul 22, 2006)
if anyone is wondering, i love this little movie on youtube called CHARLIE THE UNICORN GOES TO CANDY MOUNTAIN. IT IS HILARIOUS, and these two are so funny.

Candy mountain, charlie! candy mountain!
spoiler end.
and the art really looks like this! NO LIE!
pray4love (Jul 22, 2006)
drawn in 12 min
pancakes_rock (Jul 22, 2006)
lolz so cute i want to pet the unicorns X3
Unfortunate (Jul 22, 2006)
"It's a Liopleurdon, Charlie.. A magical Liopleurdon."

Haha ;D
SayWHAA (Jul 22, 2006)
lol cute! i love that cartoon.
"charlie. chaaaarlie. chaar-"
"what what do you want i'm right here."
"we're on a brige charlie!"
pancakes_rock (Jul 22, 2006)
whats a liopleurdon?
carrots are good X3
pray4love (Jul 22, 2006)
'Magical cave of wonder and candy to behold!'
thanks for the comments! liopleurdon's are dinosaurs. and there was a 'magic' one in the movie.
'It spoke! it told us the way to candy mountain!'
'It didn't say anything!'
DrsFan (Jul 24, 2006)
I think this is very cute! I like how it is so simple! draw more unicorns please!
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