do what i do and make up for your alleged inadaquacies/carelessness by following it up with a huge run on sentence and make everybody give up reading it before they can actually finish the sentence due to it's horrible lack of comas and other necessary punctuation marks but hey do what you like it's not a bad piece i just think you should go back over it with some color and lighten out the black scratchiness and then BAM it will looks super swank k? (:|\
This is a good start, actually. I would go back, and clean up your lines, and toss in a bit of background color. And, HAH, Turtlebuster, I still read your whole comment thing.
My muse: That just means you're stupid.
Me: ...shuddup.
drawn in 0sec
My muse: That just means you're stupid.
Me: ...shuddup.
Rain, welcome to 2draw. have fun, and don't get too drunk. ^_^