boardsintermediate58 1/2 ton

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drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
feelin the pen tool today
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
drawn in 20 min
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2006)
If you feel that too much you go blind, momma said
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
I don't care, it's worth it.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 1, 2006)
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2006)
I did it till I needed glasses..
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
Sounds like I've got some cathin up ta do.
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2006)
Blisters form yet?
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
Form? I have to fill out a form?
Natsuna (Jul 13, 2006)
This is Freakin cool
My dad use to have a nice Ford.Then he crashed it up and he got another and did the same thing D: Curse his Bad luck.
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
Are ya sure it has to do with luck? :)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 1, 2006)
Natsuna (Jul 13, 2006)
Well my dad was born on friday the 13th xD
DBA: C: That's amazing to me how he kept it so long xD scince I really don't have any cars here that last awhile, They always seem to Break-down..My dad "attempts" to fix it too :D
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 1, 2006)
Sweetcell (Jul 14, 2006)
dats pweedy pen werk.
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