Wieeerrrddd! My brain has just convulsed and died looking at this. I mean, wow. Especially for the 255 red/green/blue colors used.
When I first looked at it, I thought tha tit was stairs down to a hole that dropped into a peripherally lit room with wooden floors. But then that doesn't make sense, because of the fact that it looks like they're going the opposite way. That they don't line up properly. And oh my god, the brain has spluttered again.
drawn in 38 min
When I first looked at it, I thought tha tit was stairs down to a hole that dropped into a peripherally lit room with wooden floors. But then that doesn't make sense, because of the fact that it looks like they're going the opposite way. That they don't line up properly. And oh my god, the brain has spluttered again.
Neat effect! :D