boardsbeginnercyber clown
watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
control (Jul 17, 2003)
first time drawling with a mouse {very hard ] but also kind of fun
dont be to hard on me.
control (Jul 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 17, 2003)
hard? who, me? naw, your picture is very swank. great concept with the 'cyber effect'. it's also a creative way to cover bad lines with a mouse :)
Zappo (edited Jul 17, 2003)
Welcome to 2draw.... lol swank.....i can't get over that.....looks sweet its my kinda scetchy olny question is ball or laser mouse?and Tbusta do u use a tablet?
taori (edited Jul 17, 2003)
Your picture terrifies me, but it's great. Welcome to 2draw. I deeply respect all those who can draw coherently with a mouse.
Zappo (edited Jul 17, 2003)
Mouse drawerz representin............

lord_kitchigai (edited Jul 17, 2003)
tru dat i all waze use my mouse! (cuz i dont have a tablet:( ) sweet pic i likes! the lord approves!!!
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 17, 2003)
zappo, i use a mouse. a tablet doesn't do half as much as people think. as long as you get an optical mouse with good sensitevity, a month of getting used to mouse work is all you need. i haven't used a pen or pencil in so long that my drawings off of the computer suffer...
Genkaiart37 (edited Jul 18, 2003)
im glad that u tried 2draw out, after i told u, i cant wait to see ur pics when u put color in them
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