boardsintermediaterain bench
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Jun 28, 2006)
Lascaux takes awhile to get into, but after you do, it's good.
Axil62 (Jun 28, 2006)
drawn in 58 min
Kimchii (Jun 28, 2006)
omgoodness, the persepctive.. the depth,.. the colours..the shinyness without the use of a dodge tool.. the texture... OMG I LOVE U!!!!!!!! TT_TT!!!!! i love this pic so much <3!!!!!!!!
Summerspell (Jun 28, 2006)
I like this one!
Axil62 (Jun 28, 2006)
GOSH! :) thanks.
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 28, 2006)
it is very wonderful Axil! awesome job
xwindflyer (Jun 28, 2006)
I think I know that bench. Nice job.
Sweetcell (Jun 28, 2006)
Now this, stunning, absolutely.

Makes me think from a dogs perspective. A tall dog.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 28, 2006)
lmao @ sweet. you're funny sometimes. :) All it's missing is the people making out on it, so you can walk by and whisper.... "oh people....get a room, would you?".... There's always some something in your art that I enjoy more than anything else here. Doesn't matter what you paint, IIIIIIII like it. :)
Sweetcell (Jun 28, 2006)
I try my best DBA, but didn't Dan have any stinkers?

I kid, because I'm a kidder.
davincipoppalag (Jun 28, 2006)
The perspective is amazing..and the whole scene just feels like you're there .
frootcake (Jun 29, 2006)
you're gettin better in my opinion
Summerspell (Jun 29, 2006)
This is excellent!
TaCO (Jun 30, 2006)
O.o I really really really really realllllly LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Axil62 (Jun 30, 2006)
cool. thank you. :)
safescene (edited Jun 30, 2006)
It's sort of surreal. Reminds me of Waking Life (which is a compliment).
Jodylicious (Jul 5, 2006)
Wow, this is really beautifull. I really enjoy the colors you used for this, and I agree with safescene, its surreal.
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