boardsbeginnerAnimation Masterpiece

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drawn in 12 min with PaintBBS
Ralph Maccio
Turtlebuster (Jul 17, 2003)
a short movie within! just watch slowly :)
Turtlebuster (Jul 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Zappo (edited Jul 17, 2003)
LMAO......Bisnach! lol i want to make a movie useing those little buttons that leave out the animation frame by frame ....that would take HOURS though........
GEM (edited Jul 17, 2003)
love the turtle
concannon (edited Jul 17, 2003)
LOL, that was great. And cute turtle.
taori (edited Jul 17, 2003)
That's the awesomest! I am SO plagiarizing and doing one. Can I? Pretty please? As long as I give credit to you?
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 17, 2003)
well, taori, you are allowed to do so on one condition: fomr here until the end of our lives you must henceforth refer to me as "Sexy Turtlebuster" or "Turtlebuster the Swank" or "Turtlebuster the Mexican"
either/all is acceptable :)
Zappo (edited Jul 18, 2003)
Whohoo mexicans......he he he If i was white ide call myself shoe.....lmao...and i think im doing one too....someone should make a app just modified for making animations.....that would be grand,.....
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