HOT DIGGITY thats hott *strokes*
Sweetcell you never sease to amaze me with how beautifully you can make something...Anyway,
at first i thought this was like a the oren from never ending story...yeah >>
i like :)
I was thinking something like that. You know those snake pendants with the fancy engraving. If it wasn't so late I would have made the inner pieces more engraved like. Maybe I'll go back and do that one day. Thank you my friend.
Can anyone tell me what the color value is for the background screen?
Dodge, burn and sharp pen all combined with the other tools you can pull out of the window, color is something I like to use as well. I can add whatever color I want without going over lines. Thanks all.
Snake buns.... how would they taste with the frosting on top? xD
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drawn in 1 hour 21 min
Sweetcell you never sease to amaze me with how beautifully you can make something...Anyway,
at first i thought this was like a the oren from never ending story...yeah >>
i like :)
Can anyone tell me what the color value is for the background screen?
Wonderful job, this sort of thing makes me entranced.. *_*
Anyways, amazing picture, it looks all powefrul and mysterious like.
I think that's one skill I'll never aquire.
Snake buns.... how would they taste with the frosting on top? xD