boardsbeginnerHelping newcomers and not very talanted artist

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drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
For newcomers and my friend Peanuts that are interested in drawing anime

Step 1 :Basic head and neck.
Step 2 :Facial expressions.
Step 3 :Add shoulders.
Step 4 :Clean line art and,add clothing. (Hat or hair obv.)
Step 5 :Color and shade. (Step 5 isn't shown)
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 15 min
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 1 min
Dromophobic_o.o (Jun 20, 2006)
You're funny =]
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
i know i did a crappy job on it but if i took time it would look better,and the steps are correct,look amanda,you dont be mean to me i wont be mean to you ok?
Dromophobic_o.o (Jun 20, 2006)
"you dont be mean to me i wont be mean to you ok" that didnt make sense.
if you want to show steps you can atleast spend time on it then and make it look worthy.
I don't think you should be the one to teach people how to draw, joe. and i'm not being mean i'm just saying .
xxPretty_Princessxx (Jun 20, 2006)
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
o.o i can draw pretty good with a pencil offline,i just havn't shown anyone my latest drawings,im gonna fix this later,and you know what i ment didn't have to point out that what i said didnt make sense.sorry for bothering you
xxPretty_Princessxx (Jun 20, 2006)
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 6 min
I showed diffrent expressions in each step to show how people can be creative.<= sounds funny lol
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 41 sec
Rawr. x]
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 21, 2006)
i wouldn't take advice from you....i can atleast kinda draw anime...better than some people
solve (Jun 21, 2006)
Granted it isnt the best example of how to draw a generic anime face, but atleast its a positive contribution.
Honestly though, studying human anatomy is the best way to go. Then combining an anime style with that knowledge. I cant emphasize that enough. It really cant hurt to have that information at hand. The agains ome of you are just very naturally talented at anime. TOUCH AND GO PEOPLE! TOUCH AND GO.

peanuts707 (Jun 26, 2006)
so your saying some of peopels drawings SUCK!
i dont think i suck that bad i like my
drawings the way day are >_<
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