boardsbeginnerMatt Devine from Kill Hannah

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drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
anotherknifeinmyhand (Jun 17, 2006)
Ref used.
Should I turn it to 13+ because it says Kill Hannah?
Just to be cautious. xD
anotherknifeinmyhand (Jun 17, 2006)
drawn in 39 min
anotherknifeinmyhand (Jun 17, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
Just shaded and suck. xD
Natsuna (Jun 18, 2006)
I likee themm...........
D:< Is this Theresaaa?
anotherknifeinmyhand (Jun 18, 2006)
Lol no, my name is Katie.
Natsuna (Jun 18, 2006)
okay nvm sorry.
anotherknifeinmyhand (Jun 18, 2006)
Lol it is ok.
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