(@_@) I'll finish soon..I've been on the computer since I got up..Why am I not hungry?..I lost track of time, too....Uhg..her hair is such a pain in the ass to draw..(>_<)...*blinks*..Aahg..My eyes....I might not add the rod-thingy she uses..I tried to draw it first..but I got frustrated..so..yeah, I might just draw her..
And, how It's turning out proves that I've got skills..when I actually feel like putting effort into stuff. (-_-)..It also proves that I don't ONLY draw gay men, lol X3
Ref : http://animula.iquebec.com/anime/sakura/sakura10.jpg
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drawn in 1 hour 9 min
Anyhoo, I heart your lineart and the hands are just amazing! please finish this soon ^.^
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 55 min
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 57 min
drawn in 15 min
My favorite part is the hands, and the lineart is very clean. The dodge kind of throws the coloring off a bit, but at the same time adds a bit of your own style to it so it seems less like a fully referenced picture. Overall, very good picture so far.
drawn in 55 min
especially the lineart
drawn in 49 min
Anyways, good job. keep up the good work.