boardsbeginnerNickel Creek Is Sexay!
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drawn in 10 min with PaintBBS
Ralph Maccio
Turtlebuster (Jul 13, 2003)
Nickel Creek plays such beautiful music that rosalyn jumped out of her skin when she heard it! Too bad sh'e stuck outside of it now!
Turtlebuster (Jul 13, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
rosalyn (edited Jul 13, 2003)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tries to creep back into skin* It's not working! I guess I'm stuck like this. *shakes bone body* Hey Aleast people can't call me Anerexic! ;}
Knockoff (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Hah Thats funny. Good job turtlebuster!
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