boardsbeginnerAngelic Centaur
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
pray4love (May 23, 2006)
it took a while, but i finally DID IT! mozl tov (<--i dont kno how to spell it) This was sorta based off.. nothing... no reference and no idea at all. i just sketched out a girl, and then a horse body too. strange how that happens... ENJOY!!!
pray4love (May 23, 2006)
drawn in 55 min
diablo_fan (Jul 8, 2006)
this couldve of really been sweet if you wouldve cleaned it up some but its still good
wboyer (Jul 8, 2006)
The anatomy for the torso and horse's body is pretty damned good, but the face and wing need some serious help. You drew all of the parts of the face too low and too close together, making them essentially be down in the chin area. The wing is not realistic at all, and your use of floodfill for the entire picture is definately not impressive. All you have to work on is the face, wing, and coloring. (for the face, you could improve by drawing the entire framework of the face on one layer, and then create the final lines on another layer... by framework, I mean an outline of the head with lines across that surface to simulate the presence of the mouth, nose, and eyes.)

Keep it up :)
pray4love (Jul 11, 2006)
she's tilting her head down, and i didn't want the wing to look realistic. i drew her how i draw other centaurs, and this is the actual clean one. if you saw my 'wolf', that was the first time i was on here, and it sucks big time. i am a beginner with the computer, but i am alot better by hand. i just dont have a scanner, and i haven't been on long enough to practice with bigger things... sorry. :\
wboyer (Jul 11, 2006)
You may say she's tilting her head down, but it still doesn't look proportional.

And really, there's not much of a difference between drawing online and on paper. So please, quit the excuses and grow up.

Was I ever this whiney? Geeze...
pray4love (Jul 13, 2006)
you lack teh creativity! you suck! i at least have an imagination! and a sense of humor!
Sweetcell (Jul 14, 2006)
Lord, P4L I'm not being a bitch, really, but if you keep insulting people like this for a few things they say your not going to make a good impression. Wboyer is right, the face does need work. Make the eyes smaller and higher on her head, and the lips smaller and just go over the hair with a solid color on low low opacity to get more of a difference of shading. Note, it's a good picture, much improved but learn to take the crtique as suggestions, not a means of putting you down.
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