Its not just a "bunch of circles." No one person can say what isn't art and what is. I did spend a lot of time on this. These time counters are messed up. I spent over an hour on the second picture i submitted and it says it was 19 sec. I was going for something abstract. Some people just paint their canvases a bunch of different shades of one color, and that is art.
Next time you think of calling one of my pictures a "bunch of circles", think again. Just because it doesn't have people in it or a landscape of some kind doesn't mean that its not art.
I don't think that paint splashed on a canvas is art, and I don't really think a few colored circles is art. Sorry, but that's just opinion.
But here's a tip for you if you want to be an artist: The artist is evaluated on their richness in what they create.
When you go to a mueseum, nobody is amazed or interested in a bunch of circles--they go for the things that are very deep, almost magnetic, like a person painted with a breathtaking backdrop, or an object they relate to being twisted into a surrealistic piece. Those guys who buy a paint-splashed picture for 12 million bucks... I don't think they truly understand what art is. They just want to say they do, and hang a pricey image on their wall.
Even Picasso, using circles and shapes and whatnot, managed to take it and intergrate an image like a nude woman or little boy. So be artistic in your abstract--create a strong visual feast that makes us want to stop and just... stare at it.
Sorry if that bugged you. I just wanted to say it. I don't want to start any debates or fights over what is and isn't art, because in the end, it would only be two sides repeating over and over that they have certain opinions. Nothing would really change in anyone's mind, I think. :)
Good luck in whatever you do.
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drawn in 12 min
And you know, just because you did something doesn't mean you have to submit it.
So please, next time, if you're just going to do a bunch of circles, don't submit it.
Next time you think of calling one of my pictures a "bunch of circles", think again. Just because it doesn't have people in it or a landscape of some kind doesn't mean that its not art.
But here's a tip for you if you want to be an artist: The artist is evaluated on their richness in what they create.
When you go to a mueseum, nobody is amazed or interested in a bunch of circles--they go for the things that are very deep, almost magnetic, like a person painted with a breathtaking backdrop, or an object they relate to being twisted into a surrealistic piece. Those guys who buy a paint-splashed picture for 12 million bucks... I don't think they truly understand what art is. They just want to say they do, and hang a pricey image on their wall.
Even Picasso, using circles and shapes and whatnot, managed to take it and intergrate an image like a nude woman or little boy. So be artistic in your abstract--create a strong visual feast that makes us want to stop and just... stare at it.
Sorry if that bugged you. I just wanted to say it. I don't want to start any debates or fights over what is and isn't art, because in the end, it would only be two sides repeating over and over that they have certain opinions. Nothing would really change in anyone's mind, I think. :)
Good luck in whatever you do.