forumsdrawing discussionCollab? Pwease? D:
MeiShadow (edited May 16, 2006)
I've never done one, and I really want to try. So anyone wanna? I don't really know what it should be but we can talk about it I guess..

Anyone? ^^!
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (May 16, 2006)
I was going to do a collab to............^-^
I was going to donate a line art of mine for to see who will color it just to have fun seeing other coloring styles..............:]
But then I saw your post in here.........8]
So yes I want to do a collab with you if you wish to do it.............:]
Just let me know if you're interested to do it with me OK...........X3
I do really want to do a collab even do it will be the first time................-_-
................Logging of Lore.V...............
MeiShadow (edited May 16, 2006)
woot! :D

sended a memo ~
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