first version doesnt have a face. I was wondering whether i should just keave the face faceless. this way, i wouldnt tell myself"what a horrible face", and it could be anyone's grandma.
Yes, I see. It depends on whether you're leaving the face as it is in v. 2 or not. If you're fixing it, then fine, but if you're leaving it like that, then it would be better off without a face.
drawn in 57 min
drawn in 1 hour 34 min
I don't understand what you mean by doing the face over...but this is looking pretty good so far.
drawn in 26 min
but maybe, if you color the whole lady's picture it will look better than v.2 (:
drawn in 2 hours 1 min
drawn in 3 hours 46 min
it was a fun thing.