eee are those maggots? *passes out*
I like the distortion of that skull<3
simple btu I think it gives off the right vibe<3
who do voodoo?!
good job hunter ^^
I don't like this guy. Not only is he creepy, but he's also a jerk... Always hiding on the other side of doors, or around corners, or he stands right behind you so when you turn around, Boom! You get a facefull of maggots! :P
Good job with this one, it's certainly nightmare material.
okay, I want a Hummer (not the stupid new suv looking ones, I want the army kind with a kick-ass stereo in it) and a beach house of my very own (so is he like a really ugly Santa Claus or something?)
drawn in 45 min
eee are those maggots? *passes out*
I like the distortion of that skull<3
simple btu I think it gives off the right vibe<3
who do voodoo?!
good job hunter ^^
Good job with this one, it's certainly nightmare material.