Middle Aged, tired from work HULK! "Cold Coffee in morning make Hulk ANGRY!" What tool are you using to color with?
Great facial construction, his face is hulkly!
Solve: I used the pencil tool/freehand, normal brush, with anti-aliasing and blend checked. I had the brush at 170 opacity for most of the drawing's creation. Thanks everyone.
Whoa that was weird, i was looking at this drawing and only saw the green then all of a sudden the red bits just kinda popped out at me.... (maybe im still half asleep or it could be a lil hangover from last night) it gives a really great effect to it though :)
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drawn in 59 min
Great facial construction, his face is hulkly!
That would be a crazy cross over comic for you.
Imagine Neo fighting off a bunch of Agent Smith Hulk clones
He would get is ass whomped